innovazione nella PA

Gestione del cambiamento: come implementare l’innovazione nella PA senza incontrare resistenze

4 min. di lettura


Innovating and bringing change in the public administration sector can be a daunting task. The reason for this is because it can be met with resistance from the employees and the stakeholders involved. However, in today’s fast-paced world, change is inevitable, and it is vital to have innovative processes in place to adapt to the new challenges.

This article will explore how change management can be implemented in the public administration sector. It will focus on the different strategies, best practices, and techniques that can be used to manage and implement change successfully.

Understanding the need for Change:

The public administration sector has always been known as a place where innovation and change have been slow to take root. However, in today’s world, change is essential to keep up with the evolving needs of citizens and stakeholders. There are various reasons why public administrations may have to drive change, including:

  1. Technological advancements: With the rapid growth of technology, public administration agencies must keep up with market trends to improve service delivery and increase efficiency.
  2. Fiscal pressures: Limited resources often force public administrations to adapt and implement new technology and processes to offer cost-effective solutions.
  3. Evolving customer needs: Citizens’ expectations are continually evolving, and public administrations must adjust to meet these changing demands.

Creating a Change-Ready Culture:

The first step in managing change in the public administration sector is creating a change-ready culture. For change to be accepted and embraced, it must start at the top. Leaders must be committed to change and create a culture that values innovation and continuous improvement. Here are some strategies for creating a change-ready culture:

  1. Communication: Effective communication is crucial in any organization, but it is particularly critical during times of change. Leaders must communicate the vision behind the change, the rationale, and the benefits to stakeholders.
  2. Empowerment: Employees must be empowered to take ownership of the change process. They should be involved in brainstorming sessions, training, and other activities that build their capacity and knowledge.
  3. Demonstrate Success: Leaders must demonstrate that change can be successful. This can be done by sharing examples of successful change initiatives, highlighting employees’ successes, and providing feedback on the progress being made.

Creating a Change Management Plan:

The next step in implementing change in the public administration sector is building a change management plan. The following are essential components of a successful change management plan:

  1. Identify Stakeholders: The first step is identifying stakeholders who will be impacted by the change. This includes employees, citizens, and other relevant entities.
  2. Assess the Impact: It is important to evaluate the impact of the change and to determine any potential risks that may arise.
  3. Develop a Communication Plan: Once the impact assessment is complete, it is essential to develop a communication plan that outlines the messaging and delivery channels.
  4. Plan and Conduct Training: Employees must be trained on the new policies, procedures, or technology being implemented to ensure they can effectively carry out their duties.
  5. Monitor and Evaluate: Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the change management plan is an essential component to ensure the change is sustainable.

Best Practices for Implementing Change:

Implementing change successfully requires taking innovative and practical steps. The following are some best practices to follow:

  1. Start Small: It is essential to start small and focus on changes that are manageable and achievable.
  2. Involve Employees: Involve employees in the process to ensure they feel engaged and empowered.
  3. Communicate Clearly: Communicate with stakeholders clearly and effectively, highlighting the purpose of the change, and the specific benefits to each group.
  4. Take Incremental Steps: Breakdown the change process into smaller steps, making it more manageable and achievable.
  5. Celebrate Success: Celebrating successes begets more change success. Incentivize positive changes and encourage teams to keep up the momentum.

Overcoming Resistance:

Resistance to change can be a significant challenge when implementing change in the public administration sector. Here are some techniques to overcome resistance to change:

  1. Active Engagement: Engage with stakeholders, and involve them throughout the process. When people feel included and valued, resistance reduces.
  2. Address Fears: Addressing those fears directly and reassuring stakeholders about potential outcomes can mitigate resistance.
  3. Provide Empowerment: Create opportunities for stakeholders to provide feedback, ask questions, and provide suggestions throughout the change process.


Change management is a crucial component of implementing innovation in the public administration sector. It requires the participation of all stakeholders, including employees, citizens, and other relevant entities. Leaders play a critical role in creating a change-ready culture, designing a change management plan, and following best practices for effective implementation. Resistance is inevitable, but by addressing fears, actively engaging stakeholders, and empowering the workforce, resistance is minimized. By fostering a culture of innovation and continuously improving processes, public administration agencies can stay ahead of competitors and deliver excellent services to citizens, driving the change expected in society.

Valeria Lanzolla
Valeria Lanzolla
Innovazione nella Pubblica Amministrazione

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